Join Wendy's on October 14th for the extravaganza that is marching band at the Pacific Northwest Marching Band Championships. This prestigious competition has a track record of facilitating a top notch environment for decades for the talented youth musicians in Eastern Washington. Hosted by Mead High School at Union Stadium in Mead, WA, 2023 will mark the first year in which Wendy's – yes! Wendy's the queen of quality fast food – lends their support for fine arts as the competitions presenting sponsor. Wendy's launched their community initiative "We Love Band" in August of this year beginning with supporting five local marching bands during their summer band camps. The founder of project We Love Band – Tannor Glumbik, is a alumnus of the marching band scene in Spokane, WA. In conjunction with Tannor's personal experiences and Wendy's eagerness to support co-curricular education, the 2023 Pacific Northwest Marching Band Championships will be a year to remember.
Wendy's loveable mascot Frosty, made various appearances throughout Prelims. Selfie request with Frosty were at an all time high. Who wouldn't want to take a picture with a giant inflatable Frosty?
Central Valley HS Marching Band. "PNWMBC_2023_ 1." Facebook, 15 Oct. 2023.
Leeedumb. "PNWMBC_2023_ 2." Instagram, 14 Oct. 2023.
Central Valley HS Marching Band. "PNWMBC_2023_ 3." Facebook, 15 Oct. 2023.
Carman, Laura. "PNWMBC_2023_ 4." 14 Oct. 2023.